Pangeanic consortium wins NTEU project for EC Connecting Europe Facility

Pangeanic leads a consortium with leading machine translation and NLP companies KantanMT and Tilde to create the largest-ever neural machine translation engine farm translating between all European languages.   The new project is financed by the “Connecting Europe Facility” program and the Government of Spain is also present via SEAD,…

The MT-Summit 2019 was held in Dublin

The MT-summit 2019 was held on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of August in Dublin. Before the main conference, there were 2 days of workshops that provided a vision of the new challenges in machine translation such as multilingualism, literature, low-resource languages and the importance of using MT in…

Beta version of NEC TM Launched

Alex Helle is Chief Operations for the open-sourcing of Pangeanic’s ActivaTM into the National and European Central Translation Memory. With the Beta version now available, we share an interview with Alex to find out more about the NEC TM project and how Member States can benefit from it. What exactly…

CEF iADAATPA project becomes MT-Hub

Pangeanic – PangeaMT is proud to announce the successful completion of its project CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) 2016-EU-IA-0132 with the European Commission following its final presentation at the Ministry of Energy headquarters in Madrid (Spain). iADAATPA becomes MT-Hub and it will provide a single access point to several machine translation providers, thus…

PangeaMT introduces its e-Discovery and Summarization Solution to Bankia

PangeaMT is the leading subsidiary of Pangeanic that offers neural machine translation services and technology services, especially to the banking and financial sectors. During the conference held at the start-up accelarator Innsomnia on January 30 our technology subsidiary presented its e-Discovery and Summarization Solution to Bankia – a proof…

New Researchers Program Hails R&D Landscape at Pangeanic

Pangeanic’s “new researchers program“, designed to lead its new generation of Natural Language Processing products and services in a digital economy increasingly concerned with data security, management, privacy and anonymization has obtained a grant from the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) to execute the project “Research on new neuronal strategies and…

Europeana Multilingual Chatbot project

On the 31st October, Pangeanic attended the first meeting with the Culture Chatbot – Europeana Multilingual Chatbot consortium, hosted at the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam. Europeana Multilingual Chatbot proves to be another innovative intersection of combining language, culture and technology, it came to light to create a conversational interface…

It is pain of field – a painful automated mistranslation

A recent blunder committed by an automated translation engine was missed by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, publishing a press release on their website in which they translated “Dolores del Campo”, Spanish Ministry of Industry, into the puzzling English version “it is pain of field.” However, amusing and ludicrous as…