To offer specialist translation, content and language solutions to document producers for global use.” This is complemented by the mission of PangeaMT – our customised, domain-specific MT technology division: “Bring democracy and affordability to Machine Translation (MT).

Pangeanic is a leading provider of translation, publication, software localisation and manual-making services.

Our work ethos is directed to make the language translation process as smooth, painless and cost-effective as possible. We believe in the automation of as many processes as possible. You reap the benefits of dedicated, knowledgeable and technology-minded staff in your internationalisation and globalisation effort. Pangeanic serves cross-national institutions, famous multinationals, government agencies and other language companies all over the world. Our built-in quality service philosophy is accompanied by the latest computer applications and state-of-the-art language QA technology. Our whole package is engineered to speed and reduce your localisation and translation costs in any language.

Our name is inspired by the times in which a single continent panned the whole earth. If geology was a language, Pangeanic would mean “Togetherness”.